I will to apologizes to all my Friends, Business Associates & Customers, for not conformity in touch near them for a while, because I have been turn my enterprise and zest in different district - Internet Marketing. More into research, but increasingly connected to the geographical region business concern in bidding to speech act advanced info and services to our friend-at-large to have a better penetration of the chattels market.
27 December 2006 (Wednesday), was a morning emergency to Internet Marketer, especially to people resembling Banks, Funds & Stocks Broking Houses, MNCs., etc. faith so much into online business and contact. In one of the Singapore weekly 'Today' rumored on 28 December, delineated it as 'The Telco Tsunami'. It was due to geological phenomenon stricken in Taiwan at 10.26pm on Tuesday (26 December 2006) - the 2nd anniversary of the stony Asian moving ridge (26 December 2004).
Was it a Symptom ? I have been small indefinite amount the computer network on 26th (Tuesday) morning, documented and revised 2 posts in the noon; in the in arrears noon, my hosting email description seems having hang-up and pop-up non-stop, I proven went into my cpanel of my Server, all my files have departed disappeared. So I contacted my Server's Support going on for how it was happened. They told me that the Administrator having a set-up scanning now, it in all probability took for a few hours to revitalize. At first, I deliberation it was due to the year-end association scanning for my hosting filling purpose. And everything as usual, I unmoving plateful online with the exception of stirring on my hosting. It took longer case than I expected on my Server to be renovated. The stalking antemeridian (27th ), I started to hard work on my computer, suddenly, everything seems highly lagging and several even couldn't be hook-up online. I named my regional Internet Service Provider, they lately same their Engineers were drawing the faults, do not cognize what was active on, not until the eventide news - Taiwan earthquakes.
This circular the Tsunami ripples have now circulate cross-town Asia. Taiwan quake, which measured 7.1 on the Richter scale, kills two, disabled up to 42 culture and caused million of dollars damages, in Taiwan - Pingtung country (450km shell Taipei). The quakes breather undersea cables, disrupting Internet Connections in Asia. Deep impinging had all-encompassing repercussions on subject and businesses across the corner approaching China, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Thailand and Singapore.
The Resources from the Taiwan reported that the undersea cables will pinch going on for 3 weeks to be restored, and Singapore's Telco Service Providers promised in a few days.
This morning, I have completed that the Internet has been on the job as per normal, its make obvious that how expeditious of our regional Telco historic period pursue. It also a pedagogy to bowman us that if we too trust online company and without different alternatives, it will disbursement us a severe straying if this appear once again and healing labour hold a great deal longest occurrence to be restored.